
Tax Advice

As tax advisor, I can apply more than 15 years of experience in consulting Austrian and international corporations. I am mainly specialized in optimizing:

  • Corporate structures
  • Intra group transactions (group allocations, transfer pricing)
  • External and group financing

I am a specialist for BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) as well as for Country by Country Reporting, which I also lecture for example at the ARS (Academy for Taxes and Law).

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We are able to determine your group tax risk profile based on ratios developed form the OECD Report. It’s Comparison to the defined risk strategy leads to the necessary tax adjustments, which should be implemented for optimization

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Our Experience Your Profit

  • Structuring
  • Financing
  • Group Allocations
  • Transfer Prices
  • BEPS
  • Country by Country Reporting

Our Service