Picture Credits


Cover Picture - © Dudarev Mikhail, fotolia

Who are we? - © Sergey Khakimullin, dreamstime

Our Know-How, Your Profit! - © Jirsak, istockphoto


Image Virus - istockphoto Stock-ID:1200706447

State Aid: Image "Geld" - © Lisa-S, shutterstock ID 92356006

State Aid top banner: © Zakharchuk, shutterstock ID 527508199

Your Partner

Cover Picture - © Mag. Siegbert Nagl

Portrait - © Foto Hajdu - Hajdu Laszlo

Curriculum Vitae

Cover Picture - © Thaut Images, Fotolia


Cover Picture - © A. Karnholz, Fotolia

Familiy Picture - © Foto Hajdu - Hajdu Laszlo

Our Promise

Cover Picture - © ra2 studio, Fotolia

Our Know-How, Your Profit!

Tax Advice - © pressmaster, canstockphoto

Business Consulting - © Realstock, Shutterstock

Asset Advisory - © Rolffimages, dreamstime


Cover Picture - © bluebay, shutterstock

Base Erosion and Profit Shifting - © vege, fotolia

Tax Efficiency - © denisismagilov, fotolia

Tax Transparency - © Mikko Lemola, fotolia

Tax Efficiency

Cover Picture - © denisismagilov, fotolia

Sidebar Picture - © Kran Kanthawong, dreamstime

Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Cover Picture - © vege, fotolia

Sidebar Picture - © Kran Kanthawong, dreamstime

Tax Transparency

Cover Picture - © Mikko Lemola, fotolia

Sidebar Picture - © Kran Kanthawong, dreamstime


Cover Picture - © dolgachov, canstockphoto

Tax Newsletter

Cover Picture - © Zerbor, fotolia

Tax Management

Cover Picture - © Everythingpossible, dreamstime

Sidebar Picture - © adimas, fotolia

Rent a Tax Specialist

Cover Picture - © WavebreakMediaMicro, fotolia

Sidebar Picture - © adimas, fotolia

Strategic Advisory

Cover Picture - © Kzenon, fotolia

Sidebar Picture - © adimas, fotolia

Tax Check

Cover Picture - © Myimagint, fotolia

Sidebar Picture - © adimas, fotolia

Tax IT Tools

Cover Picture - © violetkaipa, shutterstock

Sidebar Picture - © adimas, fotolia

Tax Advice

Cover Picture - © Frizzantine, dreamstime

Sidebar Picture - © hywards, fotolia

Business Consulting

Cover Picture - © David Jones, istockphoto

Sidebar Picture - © hywards, fotolia

Income tax optimization

Cover Picture - © Everythingpossibledreamstime

Sidebar Picture - © hywardsfotolia

Optimization of asset structure

Cover Picture - © denisismagilovfotolia

Sidebar Picture - © hywardsfotolia

M & A

Cover Picture - © ASDF MEDIA, Shutterstock


Cover Picture - © pressmaster, Adobe Stock

Asset Advisory

Cover Picture - © Rawpixel.com, Shutterstock

Sidebar Picture - © hywards, fotolia


Cover Picture - © Mag. (FH) Ildiko Nagl

Mobile Version

Our Know-How, Your Profit! - © Jirsak, istockphoto

Links - © Torie, shutterstock

Downloads - © Thampapon1, dreamstime